Home Building is Team Building!

Working on a Habitat home is a fantastic and meaningful team-building experience. Groups can commit to a single day of building, or may wish to join us on site once a month or more! We also have week-long service opportunities for out-of-town groups.

We can accommodate day groups of up to 15 people. Larger groups can serve across multiple days or at multiple build sites. We reserve groups up to two months in advance. Complete our Group Volunteer Request above. We will reply with options and availability for your team. 

Please call us at 303-682-2485 x106 or email 
to learn more about current construction projects and options for your team.

Adopt-a-Day Sponsorship

  • Provide volunteer support and a $2500 donation to St. Vrain Habitat

  • Build homes with co-workers while building a great team

  • Help cover the cost of building materials and site supervision for the day

  • Demonstrate community-minded values

  • Gain recognition and visibility as a sponsor

  • Reserve group build days up to three months in advance

Corporations, businesses, religious institutions, and community groups that partner with St. Vrain Valley are helping to build stronger communities by sponsoring homes' construction and critical repairs. By partnering, your organization will provide your employees/members with an enriching, team-building experience while providing crucial services and resources to low-income families.

ReStore Group Opportunities


We are happy to accommodate businesses, churches, schools, seniors, and any other organizations at the Longmont ReStore. Volunteers help us with processing donations, restocking shelves, cleaning, and organizing. Volunteer shifts available in 1-7hr shifts Tuesday through Saturday. All proceeds from ReStore help us build more homes.

Contact Volunteer Services at (303) 682-2485 x116

For more information, visit our ReStore Volunteer page.